CPG, Food and Beverage, Cosmetic and Personal care: a blog dedicated to NPD issues and software
Packaging communicates important information about the product to its consumers.

Why are food labels the way they are?

By | Labeling and Packaging Management | No Comments

Have you ever wondered why nutrition labels came to have certain pieces of information on them or why they look how they do? Well hopefully this article will answer all your questions.

The nutrition facts label starts with the serving information. And although most do not follow what one serving amount is supposed to be this piece of information is crucial to the following piece of information which is the calorie count.

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Future Food

History of FSMA

By | Cosmetic and Food Regulations | No Comments

At first, food was hunted for but as societies developed people bought from a nearby market and after the industrial revolution and a new form of living people had to buy their food in impersonal superstores where there were aisles and aisles of food from all over the country and all over the world.

People at the time of trading and local markets certainly did not think to wonder about what it was they were eating because they trusted the people they bought the food from.

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Technical Reference- Steering evolution is necessary

By | Product Information Management | No Comments

In one of the first articles of the blog, we emphasized the importance of managing the evolution of data and thus having a dynamic vision rather than static information. Since the subject has recently returned repeatedly during discussions with prospects and customers, let’s put it to the agenda of the PLM blog.

Many people think that to manage products, systems, or infrastructure, all you need is a repository for a “data warehouse” to centralize all the documents and all the data.

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Reduce time to market

From the idea to the product

By | New Product Development and Innovation | No Comments

Due to consumer demands companies need to be able to manage their innovation projects and profit from the experience of past innovations to renew their product portfolio as often as possible. By observing the innovation as a global cycle, companies can view their project from idea to product as a cycle with individual steps that can be reproduced and used as experience for future projects.

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Regulations in product development

What Solution to Accelerate Your Product Development?

By | Cosmetic and Food Software | No Comments

Today’s society is characterized by competition, regulation, and demands. With the ever changing economy and internationalization, the pressure on prices continues to increase and this is no different for the food industry.

The Agro-Food companies face several challenges:
•A complex network of collaborators and suppliers
•Managing a large Amount of complex data from import and export to prices and marketing
•Controlling the risks of an ever accelerating product development in order to conform to regulations across countries and maintain trace ability

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