Industrial Food Processing: Avoid Software Adoption Failures

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  • June 10, 2016
Software Adoption n with suppliers

Proposals made to professionals in the food processing industry are plentiful.

And yet, choosing the right solution to accompany the proposal’s development is not just choosing the solution that has the most functional and technological scope.  The implementation of the “good software solution” is not just about the choice of the software and its installation.

A software implementation is above all else a software that:

  • Corresponds to the functional expectations and objectives of the project,
  • Is accepted by the users,
  • Is integrated into the organization and the computer infrastructure,
  • Is delivered, deployed and used in the deadlines and budgets that are expected,

A conscientious editor must analyze the needs and functions, but also the business uses and objectives that motivate the decision of implementing a software solution. In other words, the concrete manner in which the users will use the solution in order to respond to the objectives of the project.

Of course, the formation and change in support are essential so that the solution is accepted by the users. Because in order for software to be profitable it must first be used… And to not “unhook” those using the software, it must continue to evolve in order to respond to new constraints in the sector as well as the needs of the users.

As an example; to respond to the regulation INCO 1169/2011 on the labeling applicable since December 13th 2014 (In Europe), including on un-packaged products.

In other words, the client must be able to count on business experts, professionals of the sector who are at a moment in their career have also been on the other side of the fence. The reactivity in the management of technical problems could arise and need an effective support service.

It’s not behind complex technology that the reassuring answers to business problems are built.  On the contrary. It is the customer’s gained experience that permits the proposition of a simple and pragmatic solution which will be the success of a project and which will then accompany it in its development.

Today, companies in this sector require specific solutions for their professions to improve their profitability, accelerate their projects, and boost their capacity for innovation.

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